Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Ah, my first Father's Day, and it was outstanding.  My daughter slept for seven straight hours, which is a record for her, so I got plenty of sleep.  When we eventually woke up my wife made my favorite breakfast, eggs and biscuits.  She then made my favorite thing in the world, brownies, which said "World's Best Daddy" on them, making them the world's best brownies.  

Mother's and Father's Day when you have a baby is kind of weird.  Obviously the kid has nothing to do with the gift, nor any clue of what is going on.  So its all down to your spouse.  The first one is like a first wedding anniversary, too--you don't want to fuck it up because that'll haunt you for the rest of your days.  I thought I did a pretty decent job with Mother's Day, especially since our daughter was only 6 days old.  I got a very nice floral arrangement (also got flowers for her mom, who was staying with us at the time), I cooked one of her favorite meals, and I got her a Kindle.  When Amazon was conceptualizing the Kindle they must have my wife in mind.  She reads like a fiend and buys books by the box load.  Now with the Kindle, she gets books instantly and they're a lot cheaper too.  Our house doesn't look like a crazy book collecting hermit lives here, which is a plus as well.  So I thought I did pretty well.  I think my wife has bettered me though.

After eating myself close to oblivion, it was present time.  Since I've quit my job my one complaint has been a lack of adrenaline rushes.  Nothing like risking a couple hundred thousand dollars several times a day to get the juices flowing--or to stress you out to the point of quitting, as the case turned out.  So while I've been relaxed and overall much happier, if I could tweak one aspect of my life it'd be to make it a little more exciting.  Blogging just isn't cutting it so far.  So, my wife and daughter got me a first flight school lesson.  I get to do a couple hour course, then fly around Chicago for 45 minutes with a flight instructor, and coolest of all I get to do some of the flying.  Now I am a little uneasy flying commercial, but this sounds fantastic.  The only problem standing in my way is my wife's realization that the plane is a single-engined Cessna.  You would think the pictures of the plane with a solitary propellor on the website and gift certificate might have tipped her off, but apparently not.  I'm not sure if she was expecting me to be tooling around, circling the Sears Tower in a 747, but regardless she can't believe our 6 week old daughter would want her dad up in a single-engined plane.  I guess I can see her point, so her call.  Whether I do the flight or not, coolest present ever.  

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