First, the mileage markers on the lake shore running trail need replacing. Today, I set out to run 6 miles and ended up running 7.5. The mileage marker I was looking for to turn around never came, so I decided to keep going to the next one, half a mile away, and it didn't come either, at which point I was half way to Evanston and decided I better turn back, seeing as though the furthest I'd run before away was 5 miles. Overall, it went fine, though I did lose almost 5 pounds of water weight in the process, which probably isn't too good. So now here I sit guzzling water, unlike to pee ever again.
My second pet peeve is cyclists riding their bikes on the sidewalk. Let's be clear: in the city of Chicago, IT IS FUCKING ILLEGAL to ride your bike on a sidewalk. ILLEGAL. Besides some pending litigation stemming from a cyclist on the sidewalk riding her bike into my car (and yes, she's suing me) that I shouldn't probably discuss here, a huge girl on a bike almost rammed into the back of me as I was running home on the sidewalk. She took evasive action at the last second and almost wiped out into a bush. Then she flipped out about how I was taking up the whole sidewalk and was, quite frankly, a total bitch. I might point out that her width was at least double mine, so me taking up the whole sidewalk that she fit on is a mathematical impossibility. Rather than get upset, I asked her if she was aware that it was illegal to ride on sidewalks in the city. "No it isn't, no it isn't," she retorted, like some sort of retard who says everything twice, and wobbled off down the sidewalk.
I am so pissed off about this that I am going to talk to my alderman tomorrow. Since I won't be bringing a brown bag of cash, I'm not sure anything will get done, but I'm going to ask for signage, at least around my place, telling cyclists to keep the fuck off the sidewalk. Either that, or I'm going vigilante and poking a golf club through their front spokes until word gets out.